Source code for trixi.logger.experiment.pytorchexperimentlogger

from __future__ import print_function

import atexit
import fnmatch
import os
import warnings
from multiprocessing import Process
# import cv2
from PIL import Image

import torch
import numpy as np

from trixi.logger.abstractlogger import threaded
from trixi.logger.experiment import ExperimentLogger
from trixi.logger.file.pytorchplotfilelogger import PytorchPlotFileLogger
from trixi.util import name_and_iter_to_filename
from trixi.util.metrics import get_classification_metrics, get_pr_curve, get_roc_curve
from trixi.util.pytorchutils import update_model, get_vanilla_image_gradient, get_guided_image_gradient, \
    get_smooth_image_gradient, get_input_gradient

[docs]class PytorchExperimentLogger(ExperimentLogger): """ A single class for logging your pytorch experiments to file. Extends the ExperimentLogger also also creates a experiment folder with a file structure: The folder structure is : base_dir/ new_experiment_folder/ checkpoint/ config/ img/ log/ plot/ result/ save/ """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initializes the PytorchExperimentLogger and parses the arguments to the ExperimentLogger""" super(PytorchExperimentLogger, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.plot_logger = PytorchPlotFileLogger(self.img_dir, self.plot_dir)
[docs] def show_images(self, images, name, **kwargs): """ Saves images in the img folder Args: images: The images to be saved name: file name of the new image file """ self.plot_logger.show_images(images, name, **kwargs)
[docs] def show_image_grid(self, image, name, **kwargs): """ Saves images in the img folder as a image grid Args: images: The images to be saved name: file name of the new image file """ self.plot_logger.show_image_grid(image, name, **kwargs)
[docs] def show_image_grid_heatmap(self, heatmap, background=None, name="heatmap", **kwargs): """ Saves images in the img folder as a image grid Args: heatmap: The images to be converted to a heatmap background: Context of the heatmap (to be underlayed) name: file name of the new image file """ self.plot_logger.show_image_grid_heatmap(heatmap=heatmap, background=background, name=name, **kwargs)
[docs] def show_video(self, frame_list=None, name="video", dim="LxHxWxC", scale=1.0, fps=25, extension=".mp4", codec="THEO"): """ Saves video in the img folder. Should be a list of arrays with dimension HxWxC. Args: frame_list: The list of image tensors/arrays to be saved as a video name: Filename of the video dim: Dimension of the tensor - should be either LxHxWxC or LxCxHxW fps: FPS of the video extension: File extension - should be mp4, ogc, avi or webm """ # TODO: trixi browser currently can't show videos, so using GIF instead - work in progress self.show_gif(frame_list, name=name, scale=scale, fps=fps) """ tensor = np.array(frame_list) assert tensor.ndim == 4, "video should be a 4d tensor" assert dim == "LxHxWxC" or dim == "LxCxHxW", "dimension argument should be LxHxWxC or LxCxHxW" if dim == "LxCxHxW": tensor = tensor.transpose([0, 2, 3, 1]) filename = os.path.join(self.img_dir, name + extension) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*codec) writer = cv2.VideoWriter(filename, fourcc, fps, (tensor.shape[2], tensor.shape[1])) assert writer.isOpened(), "video writer could not be opened" for i in range(tensor.shape[0]): writer.write(tensor[i, :, :, :]) writer.release() writer = None """
[docs] def show_gif(self, frame_list=None, name="frames", scale=1.0, fps=25): """ Saves gif in the img folder. Should be a list of arrays with dimension HxWxC. Args: frame_list: The list of image tensors/arrays to be saved as a gif name: Filename of the gif scale: Scaling factor of the individual frames fps: FPS of the gif """ w, h = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(frame_list[0])).size image_list = [] for i in range(len(frame_list)): image_list.append(Image.fromarray(np.uint8(frame_list[i])).resize((w * int(scale), h * int(scale)))) filename = os.path.join(self.img_dir, name + ".gif") image_list[0].save(filename, save_all=True, append_images=image_list[1:], duration=int(1e3 / fps), loop=0)
@staticmethod @threaded def save_model_static(model, model_dir, name): """ Saves a pytorch model in a given directory (using pytorch) Args: model: The model to be stored model_dir: The directory in which the model file should be written name: The file name of the model file """ model_file = os.path.join(model_dir, name), model_file)
[docs] def save_model(self, model, name, n_iter=None, iter_format="{:05d}", prefix=False): """ Saves a pytorch model in the model directory of the experiment folder Args: model: The model to be stored name: The file name of the model file n_iter: The iteration number, formatted with the iter_format and added to the model name (if not None) iter_format: The format string, which indicates how n_iter will be formated as a string prefix: If True, the formated n_iter will be appended as a prefix, otherwise as a suffix """ if n_iter is not None: name = name_and_iter_to_filename(name, n_iter, ".pth", iter_format=iter_format, prefix=prefix) if not name.endswith(".pth"): name += ".pth" self.save_model_static(model=model, model_dir=self.checkpoint_dir, name=name)
@staticmethod @threaded def load_model_static(model, model_file, exclude_layers=(), warnings=True): """ Loads a pytorch model from a given directory (using pytorch) Args: model: The model to be loaded (whose parameters should be restored) model_file: The file from which the model parameters should be loaded exclude_layers: List of layer names which should be excluded from restoring warnings (bool): Flag which indicates if method should warn if not everything went perfectly """ if os.path.exists(model_file): pretrained_dict = torch.load(model_file, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) update_model(model, pretrained_dict, exclude_layers, warnings) return model else: raise IOError("Model file does not exist!")
[docs] def load_model(self, model, name, exclude_layers=(), warnings=True): """ Loads a pytorch model from the model directory of the experiment folder Args: model: The model to be loaded (whose parameters should be restored) name: The file name of the model file exclude_layers: List of layer names which should be excluded from restoring warnings: Flag which indicates if method should warn if not everything went perfectlys """ if not name.endswith(".pth"): name += ".pth" self.load_model_static(model=model, model_file=os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir, name), exclude_layers=exclude_layers, warnings=warnings)
@staticmethod @threaded def save_checkpoint_static(checkpoint_dir, name, move_to_cpu=False, **kwargs): """ Saves a checkpoint/dict in a given directory (using pytorch) Args: checkpoint_dir: The directory in which the checkpoint file should be written name: The file name of the checkpoint file move_to_cpu (bool): Flag, if all pytorch tensors should be moved to cpu before storing **kwargs: dict which is actually saved """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(value, torch.nn.Module) or isinstance(value, torch.optim.Optimizer): kwargs[key] = value.state_dict() checkpoint_file = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, name) def to_cpu(obj): if hasattr(obj, "cpu"): return obj.cpu() elif isinstance(obj, dict): return {key: to_cpu(val) for key, val in obj.items()} else: return obj if move_to_cpu:, checkpoint_file) else:, checkpoint_file)
[docs] def save_checkpoint(self, name, n_iter=None, iter_format="{:05d}", prefix=False, **kwargs): """ Saves a checkpoint in the checkpoint directory of the experiment folder Args: name: The file name of the checkpoint file n_iter: The iteration number, formatted with the iter_format and added to the checkpoint name (if not None) iter_format: The format string, which indicates how n_iter will be formated as a string prefix: If True, the formated n_iter will be appended as a prefix, otherwise as a suffix **kwargs: dict which is actually saved (key=name, value=variable to be stored) """ if n_iter is not None: name = name_and_iter_to_filename(name, n_iter, ".pth.tar", iter_format=iter_format, prefix=prefix) if not name.endswith(".pth.tar"): name += ".pth.tar" self.save_checkpoint_static(self.checkpoint_dir, name=name, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_checkpoint_static(checkpoint_file, exclude_layer_dict=None, warnings=True, **kwargs): """ Loads a checkpoint/dict in a given directory (using pytorch) Args: checkpoint_file: The checkpoint from which the checkpoint/dict should be loaded exclude_layer_dict: A dict with key 'model_name' and a list of all layers of 'model_name' which should not be restored warnings: Flag which indicates if method should warn if not everything went perfectlys **kwargs: dict which is actually loaded (key=name (used to save the checkpoint) , value=variable to be loaded/ overwritten) Returns: The kwargs dict with the loaded/ overwritten values """ if exclude_layer_dict is None: exclude_layer_dict = {} checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_file, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in checkpoint: if isinstance(value, torch.nn.Module) or isinstance(value, torch.optim.Optimizer): exclude_layers = exclude_layer_dict.get(key, []) update_model(value, checkpoint[key], exclude_layers, warnings) else: kwargs[key] = checkpoint[key] return kwargs
[docs] def load_checkpoint(self, name, exclude_layer_dict=None, warnings=True, **kwargs): """ Loads a checkpoint from the checkpoint directory of the experiment folder Args: name: The name of the checkpoint file exclude_layer_dict: A dict with key 'model_name' and a list of all layers of 'model_name' which should not be restored warnings: Flag which indicates if method should warn if not everything went perfectlys **kwargs: dict which is actually loaded (key=name (used to save the checkpoint) , value=variable to be loaded/ overwritten) Returns: The kwargs dict with the loaded/ overwritten values """ if not name.endswith(".pth.tar"): name += ".pth.tar" checkpoint_file = os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir, name) return self.load_checkpoint_static(checkpoint_file=checkpoint_file, exclude_layer_dict=exclude_layer_dict, warnings=warnings, **kwargs)
[docs] def save_at_exit(self, name="checkpoint_end", **kwargs): """ Saves a dict as checkpoint if the program exits (not garanteed to work 100%) Args: name: Name of the checkpoint file **kwargs: dict which is actually saved (key=name, value=variable to be stored) """ if not name.endswith(".pth.tar"): name += ".pth.tar" def save_fnc(): self.save_checkpoint(name, **kwargs) print("Checkpoint saved securely... =)") atexit.register(save_fnc)
[docs] def get_save_checkpoint_fn(self, name="checkpoint", **kwargs): """ A function which returns a function which takes n_iter as arguments and saves the current values of the variables given as kwargs as a checkpoint file. Args: name: Base-name of the checkpoint file **kwargs: dict which is actually saved, when the returned function is called Returns: Function which takes n_iter as arguments and saves a checkpoint file """ def save_fnc(n_iter, iter_format="{:05d}", prefix=False): self.save_checkpoint(name=name, n_iter=n_iter, iter_format=iter_format, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) return save_fnc
[docs] @staticmethod def load_last_checkpoint_static(dir_, name=None, **kwargs): """ Loads the (alphabetically) last checkpoint file in a given directory Args: dir_: The directory to look for the (alphabetically) last checkpoint name: String pattern which indicates the files to look form **kwargs: dict which is actually loaded (key=name (used to save the checkpoint) , value=variable to be loaded/ overwritten) Returns: The kwargs dict with the loaded/ overwritten values """ if name is None: name = "*checkpoint*.pth.tar" checkpoint_files = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir_): for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, name): checkpoint_file = os.path.join(root, filename) checkpoint_files.append(checkpoint_file) if len(checkpoint_files) == 0: return None last_file = sorted(checkpoint_files, reverse=True)[0] return PytorchExperimentLogger.load_checkpoint_static(last_file, **kwargs)
[docs] def load_last_checkpoint(self, **kwargs): """ Loads the (alphabetically) last checkpoint file in the checkpoint directory in the experiment folder Args: **kwargs: dict which is actually loaded (key=name (used to save the checkpoint) , value=variable to be loaded/ overwritten) Returns: The kwargs dict with the loaded/ overwritten values """ return self.load_last_checkpoint_static(self.checkpoint_dir, **kwargs)
[docs] def print(self, *args): """ Prints the given arguments using the text logger print function Args: *args: Things to be printed """ self.text_logger.print(*args)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_roc_curve(tensor, labels, reduce_to_n_samples=None, use_sub_process=False, results_fn=lambda x, *y, **z: None): """ Displays a roc curve given a tensor with scores and the coresponding labels Args: tensor: Tensor with scores (e.g class probability ) labels: Labels of the samples to which the scores match reduce_to_n_samples: Reduce/ downsample to to n samples for fewer data points use_sub_process: Use a sub process to do the processing, if true nothing is returned results_fn: function which is called with the results/ return values. Expected f(tpr, fpr) """ warnings.warn("This method is deprecated !!! Please use the util.metrics method") return get_roc_curve(tensor, labels, reduce_to_n_samples, use_sub_process, results_fn)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_pr_curve(tensor, labels, reduce_to_n_samples=None, use_sub_process=False, results_fn=lambda x, *y, **z: None): """ Displays a precision recall curve given a tensor with scores and the coresponding labels Args: tensor: Tensor with scores (e.g class probability ) labels: Labels of the samples to which the scores match reduce_to_n_samples: Reduce/ downsample to to n samples for fewer data points use_sub_process: Use a sub process to do the processing, if true nothing is returned results_fn: function which is called with the results/ return values. Expected f(precision, recall) """ warnings.warn("This method is deprecated !!! Please use the util.metrics method") return get_pr_curve(tensor, labels, reduce_to_n_samples, use_sub_process, results_fn)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_classification_metrics(tensor, labels, name="", metric=("roc-auc", "pr-score"), use_sub_process=False, tag_name=None, results_fn=lambda x, *y, **z: None): """ Displays some classification metrics as line plots in a graph (similar to show value (also uses show value for the caluclated values)) Args: tensor: Tensor with scores (e.g class probability ) labels: Labels of the samples to which the scores match name: The name of the window metric: List of metrics to calculate. Options are: roc-auc, pr-auc, pr-score, mcc, f1 tag_name: Name for the tag, if no given use name use_sub_process: Use a sub process to do the processing, if true nothing is returned results_fn: function which is called with the results/ return values. Expected f(val, name, tag) Returns: """ warnings.warn("This method is deprecated !!! Please use the util.metrics method") return get_classification_metrics(tensor, labels, name, metric, use_sub_process, tag_name, results_fn)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_input_gradient(model, inpt, err_fn, grad_type="vanilla", n_runs=20, eps=0.1, abs=False, results_fn=lambda x, *y, **z: None): """ Given a model creates calculates the error and backpropagates it to the image and saves it (saliency map). Args: model: The model to be evaluated inpt: Input to the model err_fn: The error function the evaluate the output of the model on grad_type: Gradient calculation method, currently supports (vanilla, vanilla-smooth, guided, guided-smooth) ( the guided backprob can lead to segfaults -.-) n_runs: Number of runs for the smooth variants eps: noise scaling to be applied on the input image (noise is drawn from N(0,1)) abs (bool): Flag, if the gradient should be a absolute value results_fn: function which is called with the results/ return values. Expected f(grads) """ warnings.warn("This method is deprecated !!! Please use the util.pytorchutils method") return get_input_gradient(model, inpt, err_fn, grad_type, n_runs, eps, abs, results_fn)
[docs] def show_image_gradient(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Given a model creates calculates the error and backpropagates it to the image and saves it. Args: name: Name of the file model: The model to be evaluated inpt: Input to the model err_fn: The error function the evaluate the output of the model on grad_type: Gradient calculation method, currently supports (vanilla, vanilla-smooth, guided, guided-smooth) ( the guided backprob can lead to segfaults -.-) n_runs: Number of runs for the smooth variants eps: noise scaling to be applied on the input image (noise is drawn from N(0,1)) abs (bool): Flag, if the gradient should be a absolute value """ grad = self.get_input_gradient(*args, **kwargs) self.show_image_grid(grad, name)