Source code for trixi.logger.file.pytorchplotfilelogger

import os
import warnings

import torch
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm
from imageio import imwrite
from torch.autograd import Variable
from torchvision.utils import save_image as tv_save_image
from trixi.util.util import np_make_grid

from trixi.logger.abstractlogger import threaded, convert_params
from trixi.logger.file.numpyplotfilelogger import NumpyPlotFileLogger
from trixi.util import name_and_iter_to_filename
from trixi.util.pytorchutils import get_guided_image_gradient, get_smooth_image_gradient, get_vanilla_image_gradient

[docs]class PytorchPlotFileLogger(NumpyPlotFileLogger): """ Visual logger, inherits the NumpyPlotLogger and plots/ logs pytorch tensors and variables as files on the local file system. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initializes a PytorchPlotFileLogger to plot images, plots, ... into an image and plot directory Args: img_dir: The directory to store images in plot_dir: The directory to store plots in """ super(PytorchPlotFileLogger, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def process_params(self, f, *args, **kwargs): """ Inherited "decorator": convert Pytorch variables and Tensors to numpy arrays """ ### convert args args = (a.detach().cpu().numpy() if torch.is_tensor(a) else a for a in args) ### convert kwargs for key, data in kwargs.items(): if torch.is_tensor(data): kwargs[key] = data.detach().cpu().numpy() return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
@staticmethod @threaded def save_image_static(image_dir, tensor, name, n_iter=None, iter_format="{:05d}", prefix=False, image_args=None): """ Saves an image tensor in an image directory Args: image_dir: Directory to save the image in tensor: Tensor containing the image name: file-name of the image file n_iter: The iteration number, formatted with the iter_format and added to the model name (if not None) iter_format: The format string, which indicates how n_iter will be formated as a string prefix: If True, the formated n_iter will be appended as a prefix, otherwise as a suffix image_args: Arguments for the tensorvision save image method """ if isinstance(tensor, np.ndarray): tensor = torch.from_numpy(tensor) if image_args is None: image_args = {} if n_iter is not None: name = name_and_iter_to_filename(name=name, n_iter=n_iter, ending=".png", iter_format=iter_format, prefix=prefix) elif not name.endswith(".png"): name = name + ".png" img_file = os.path.join(image_dir, name) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(img_file), exist_ok=True) tv_save_image(tensor, img_file, **image_args)
[docs] def save_image(self, tensor, name, n_iter=None, iter_format="{:05d}", prefix=False, image_args=None): """ Saves an image into the image directory of the PytorchPlotFileLogger Args: tensor: Tensor containing the image name: file-name of the image file n_iter: The iteration number, formatted with the iter_format and added to the model name (if not None) iter_format: The format string, which indicates how n_iter will be formated as a string prefix: If True, the formated n_iter will be appended as a prefix, otherwise as a suffix image_args: Arguments for the tensorvision save image method """ if image_args is None: image_args = {} self.save_image_static(image_dir=self.img_dir, tensor=tensor, name=name, n_iter=n_iter, iter_format=iter_format, prefix=prefix, image_args=image_args)
@staticmethod @threaded def save_images_static(image_dir, tensors, n_iter=None, iter_format="{:05d}", prefix=False, image_args=None): """ Saves an image tensors in an image directory Args: image_dir: Directory to save the image in tensors: A dict with file-name-> tensor to plot as image n_iter: The iteration number, formatted with the iter_format and added to the model name (if not None) iter_format: The format string, which indicates how n_iter will be formated as a string prefix: If True, the formated n_iter will be appended as a prefix, otherwise as a suffix image_args: Arguments for the tensorvision save image method """ assert isinstance(tensors, dict) if image_args is None: image_args = {} for name, tensor in tensors.items(): PytorchPlotFileLogger.save_image_static(image_dir=image_dir, tensor=tensor, name=name, n_iter=n_iter, iter_format=iter_format, prefix=prefix, image_args=image_args)
[docs] def save_images(self, tensors, n_iter=None, iter_format="{:05d}", prefix=False, image_args=None): """ Saves an image tensors into the image directory of the PytorchPlotFileLogger Args: tensors: A dict with file-name-> tensor to plot as image n_iter: The iteration number, formatted with the iter_format and added to the model name (if not None) iter_format: The format string, which indicates how n_iter will be formated as a string prefix: If True, the formated n_iter will be appended as a prefix, otherwise as a suffix image_args: Arguments for the tensorvision save image method """ assert isinstance(tensors, dict) if image_args is None: image_args = {} self.save_images_static(image_dir=self.img_dir, tensors=tensors, n_iter=n_iter, iter_format=iter_format, prefix=prefix, image_args=image_args)
@staticmethod @threaded def save_image_grid_static(image_dir, tensor, name, n_iter=None, prefix=False, iter_format="{:05d}", image_args=None): """ Saves images of a 4d- tensor (N, C, H, W) as a image grid into an image file in a given directory Args: image_dir: Directory to save the image in tensor: 4d- tensor (N, C, H, W) name: file-name of the image file n_iter: The iteration number, formatted with the iter_format and added to the model name (if not None) iter_format: The format string, which indicates how n_iter will be formated as a string prefix: If True, the formated n_iter will be appended as a prefix, otherwise as a suffix image_args: Arguments for the tensorvision save image method """ if isinstance(tensor, np.ndarray): tensor = torch.tensor(tensor) if not (tensor.size(1) == 1 or tensor.size(1) == 3): warnings.warn("The 1. dimension (channel) has to be either 1 (gray) or 3 (rgb), taking the first " "dimension now !!!") tensor = tensor[:, 0:1, ] if n_iter is not None: name = name_and_iter_to_filename(name=name, n_iter=n_iter, ending=".png", iter_format=iter_format, prefix=prefix) elif not name.endswith(".png"): name += ".png" img_file = os.path.join(image_dir, name) if image_args is None: image_args = {} os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(img_file), exist_ok=True) tv_save_image(tensor, img_file, **image_args)
[docs] def save_image_grid(self, tensor, name, n_iter=None, prefix=False, iter_format="{:05d}", image_args=None): """ Saves images of a 4d- tensor (N, C, H, W) as a image grid into an image file in the image directory of the PytorchPlotFileLogger Args: tensor: 4d- tensor (N, C, H, W) name: file-name of the image file n_iter: The iteration number, formatted with the iter_format and added to the model name (if not None) iter_format: The format string, which indicates how n_iter will be formated as a string prefix: If True, the formated n_iter will be appended as a prefix, otherwise as a suffix image_args: Arguments for the tensorvision save image method """ if image_args is None: image_args = {} self.save_image_grid_static(image_dir=self.img_dir, tensor=tensor, name=name, n_iter=n_iter, prefix=prefix, iter_format=iter_format, image_args=image_args)
[docs] def show_image(self, image, name, n_iter=None, iter_format="{:05d}", prefix=False, image_args=None, **kwargs): """ Calls the save image method (for abstract logger combatibility) Args: image: Tensor containing the image name: file-name of the image file n_iter: The iteration number, formatted with the iter_format and added to the model name (if not None) iter_format: The format string, which indicates how n_iter will be formated as a string prefix: If True, the formated n_iter will be appended as a prefix, otherwise as a suffix image_args: Arguments for the tensorvision save image method """ self.save_image(tensor=image, name=name, n_iter=n_iter, iter_format=iter_format, image_args=image_args, prefix=prefix)
[docs] def show_images(self, images, name, n_iter=None, iter_format="{:05d}", prefix=False, image_args=None, **kwargs): """ Calls the save images method (for abstract logger combatibility) Args: images: List of Tensors name: List of file names (corresponding to the images list) n_iter: The iteration number, formatted with the iter_format and added to the model name (if not None) iter_format: The format string, which indicates how n_iter will be formated as a string prefix: If True, the formated n_iter will be appended as a prefix, otherwise as a suffix image_args: Arguments for the tensorvision save image method """ tensors = {} for i, img in enumerate(images): tensors[name + "_" + str(i)] = img self.save_images(tensors=tensors, n_iter=n_iter, iter_format=iter_format, prefix=prefix, image_args=image_args)
[docs] def show_image_grid(self, images, name, n_iter=None, prefix=False, iter_format="{:05d}", image_args=None, **kwargs): """ Calls the save image grid method (for abstract logger combatibility) Args: images: 4d- tensor (N, C, H, W) name: file-name of the image file n_iter: The iteration number, formatted with the iter_format and added to the model name (if not None) iter_format: The format string, which indicates how n_iter will be formated as a string prefix: If True, the formated n_iter will be appended as a prefix, otherwise as a suffix image_args: Arguments for the tensorvision save image method """ self.save_image_grid(tensor=images, name=name, n_iter=n_iter, prefix=prefix, iter_format=iter_format, image_args=image_args)
[docs] @convert_params def show_image_grid_heatmap(self, heatmap, background=None, ratio=0.3, normalize=True, colormap=cm.jet, name="heatmap", n_iter=None, prefix=False, iter_format="{:05d}", image_args=None, **kwargs): """ Creates heat map from the given map and if given combines it with the background and then displays results with as image grid. Args: heatmap: 4d- tensor (N, C, H, W) to be converted to a heatmap background: 4d- tensor (N, C, H, W) background/ context of the heatmap (to be underlayed) name: The name of the window ratio: The ratio to mix the map with the background (0 = only background, 1 = only map) n_iter: The iteration number, formatted with the iter_format and added to the model name (if not None) iter_format: The format string, which indicates how n_iter will be formated as a string prefix: If True, the formated n_iter will be appended as a prefix, otherwise as a suffix image_args: Arguments for the tensorvision save image method """ if image_args is None: image_args = {} if "normalize" not in image_args: image_args["normalize"] = normalize if n_iter is not None: name = name_and_iter_to_filename(name=name, n_iter=n_iter, ending=".png", iter_format=iter_format, prefix=prefix) elif not name.endswith(".png"): name += ".png" file_name = os.path.join(self.img_dir, name) map_grid = np_make_grid(heatmap, normalize=normalize) # map_grid.shape is (3, X, Y) if heatmap.shape[1] != 3: map_ = colormap(map_grid[0])[..., :-1].transpose(2, 0, 1) else: # heatmap was already RGB, so don't apply colormap map_ = map_grid if background is not None: img_grid = np_make_grid(background, **image_args) fuse_img = (1.0 - ratio) * img_grid + ratio * map_ else: fuse_img = map_ fuse_img = np.clip(fuse_img * 255, a_min=0, a_max=255).astype(np.uint8) imwrite(file_name, fuse_img.transpose(1, 2, 0))