Source code for trixi.logger.message.slackmessagelogger

import numpy as np
import torch
import torchvision
from slack import WebClient

from trixi.util.util import get_image_as_buffered_file

from trixi.logger.plt.numpyseabornimageplotlogger import NumpySeabornImagePlotLogger

[docs]class SlackMessageLogger(NumpySeabornImagePlotLogger): """ Slack logger, inherits the NumpySeabornImagePlotLogger and sends plots/logs to a chat via a Slack bot. """
[docs] @staticmethod def find_uid_for_email(slack_client, email): """ Returns the slack user id for a given email Args: slack_client: Slack client (already authorized) email: Workspace email address to get the user id for Returns: Slack workspace user id """ user_list = slack_client.users_list().get('members', []) user_id = "" for user in user_list: if user.get('profile', {}).get('email', '') == email: user_id = user['id'] break return user_id
[docs] @staticmethod def find_cid_for_user(slack_client, uid): """ Returns the chat/channel id for a direct message of the bot with the given user Args: slack_client: Slack client (already authorized) uid: User id of the user Returns: chat/channel id for a direct message """ direct_conv = slack_client.conversations_open( users=[uid] ) c_id = direct_conv.get('channel', {}).get('id', None) return c_id
def __init__(self, token, user_email, exp_name=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a new NumpySeabornImagePlotLogger object. Args: token (str): The Bot User OAuth Access Token of the slack bot used. user_email (str): The user email in the workspace for the chat between the user and the slack bot. exp_name: name of the experiment, always used as message prefix """ super(SlackMessageLogger, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.token = token self.user_email = user_email self.slack_client = WebClient(token) self.uid = self.find_uid_for_email(self.slack_client, self.user_email) self.cid = self.find_cid_for_user(self.slack_client, self.uid) self.exp_name = exp_name self.ts_dict = {}
[docs] def process_params(self, f, *args, **kwargs): """ Inherited "decorator": convert PyTorch variables and Tensors to numpy arrays """ # convert args args = (a.detach().cpu().numpy() if torch.is_tensor(a) else a for a in args) # convert kwargs for key, data in kwargs.items(): if torch.is_tensor(data): kwargs[key] = data.detach().cpu().numpy() return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def send_message(self, message="", file=None): """ Sends a message and a file if one is given Args: message: Message to be sent file: File to be sent Returns: The timestamp (ts) of the message """ if file is None: ret_val = self.slack_client.chat_postMessage( channel=self.cid, text=message ) return ret_val.get('ts', '') else: ret_val = self.slack_client.files_upload( file=file, channels=self.cid, title=message ) try: ts = list(ret_val['file']['shares']['private'].values())[0][0]['ts'] except Exception as e: ts = "" return ts
[docs] def delete_message(self, ts): """ Deletes a direct message from the bot with the given timestamp (ts) Args: ts: Time stamp the message was sent """ self.slack_client.chat_delete( channel=self.cid, ts=ts )
[docs] def show_text(self, text, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends a text to a chat using an existing slack bot. Args: text (str): Text message to be sent to the bot. """ if self.exp_name is not None: text = self.exp_name + ":\n" + text try: self.send_message(message=text) except Exception as e: print("Could not send text to slack")
[docs] def show_image(self, image, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends an image file to a chat using an existing slack bot. Args: image (str or np array): Path to the image file to be sent to the chat. """ try: if isinstance(image, str): with open(image, 'rb') as img_file: self.send_message(message=self.exp_name, file=img_file) elif isinstance(image, np.ndarray): buf = get_image_as_buffered_file(image) self.send_message(message=self.exp_name, file=buf) except Exception as e: print("Could not send image to slack")
[docs] def show_image_grid(self, image_array, name=None, nrow=8, padding=2, normalize=False, range=None, scale_each=False, pad_value=0, delete_last=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends an array of images to a chat using an existing Slack bot. (Requires torch and torchvision) Args: image_array (np.narray / torch.tensor): Image array/tensor which will be sent as an image grid make_grid_kargs: Key word arguments for the torchvision make grid method delete_last: If a message with the same name was sent, delete it beforehand """ caption = "" if self.exp_name is not None: caption += self.exp_name + " " if name is not None: caption += name + " " if delete_last and name in self.ts_dict: self.delete_message(self.ts_dict[name]) if isinstance(image_array, np.ndarray): image_array = torch.from_numpy(image_array) image_array = image_array.cpu() grid = torchvision.utils.make_grid(image_array, nrow=nrow, padding=padding, pad_value=pad_value, normalize=normalize, range=range, scale_each=scale_each) ndarr = grid.mul(255).clamp(0, 255).byte().numpy() buf = get_image_as_buffered_file(ndarr) try: ts = self.send_message(message=caption, file=buf) self.ts_dict[name] = ts except Exception as e: print("Could not send image_grid to slack")
[docs] def show_value(self, value, name, counter=None, tag=None, delete_last=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends a value to a chat using an existing slack bot. Args: value: Value to be plotted sent to the chat. name: Name for the plot. counter: Optional counter to be sent in conjunction with the value. tag: Tag to be used as a label for the plot. delete_last: If a message with the same name was sent, delete it beforehand """ caption = "" if self.exp_name is not None: caption += self.exp_name + " " if name is not None: caption += name + " " if delete_last and name in self.ts_dict: self.delete_message(self.ts_dict[name]) figure = super().show_value(value=value, name=name, counter=counter, tag=tag) buf = get_image_as_buffered_file(figure) try: ts = self.send_message(message=caption, file=buf) self.ts_dict[name] = ts except Exception as e: print("Could not send plot to slack")
[docs] def show_barplot(self, array, name="barplot", delete_last=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends a barplot to a chat using an existing slack bot. Args: array: array of shape NxM where N is the number of rows and M is the number of elements in the row. name: The name of the figure delete_last: If a message with the same name was sent, delete it beforehand """ caption = "" if self.exp_name is not None: caption += self.exp_name + " " if name is not None: caption += name + " " if delete_last and name in self.ts_dict: self.delete_message(self.ts_dict[name]) figure = super().show_barplot(array, name, *args, **kwargs) buf = get_image_as_buffered_file(figure) try: ts = self.send_message(message=caption, file=buf) self.ts_dict[name] = ts except Exception as e: print("Could not send plot to slack")
[docs] def show_lineplot(self, y_vals, x_vals=None, name="lineplot", delete_last=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends a lineplot to a chat using an existing slack bot. Args: y_vals: Array of shape MxN , where M is the number of points and N is the number of different line x_vals: Has to have the same shape as Y: MxN. For each point in Y it gives the corresponding X value (if not set the points are assumed to be equally distributed in the interval [0, 1]) name: The name of the figure delete_last: If a message with the same name was sent, delete it beforehand """ caption = "" if self.exp_name is not None: caption += self.exp_name + " " if name is not None: caption += name + " " if delete_last and name in self.ts_dict: self.delete_message(self.ts_dict[name]) figure = super().show_lineplot(y_vals, x_vals, name, *args, **kwargs) buf = get_image_as_buffered_file(figure) try: ts = self.send_message(message=caption, file=buf) self.ts_dict[name] = ts except Exception as e: print("Could not send plot to slack")
[docs] def show_scatterplot(self, array, name="scatterplot", delete_last=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends a scatterplot to a chat using an existing slack bot. Args: array: An array with size N x dim, where each element i \in N at X[i] results in a 2D (if dim = 2) or 3D (if dim = 3) point. name: The name of the figure delete_last: If a message with the same name was sent, delete it beforehand """ caption = "" if self.exp_name is not None: caption += self.exp_name + " " if name is not None: caption += name + " " if delete_last and name in self.ts_dict: self.delete_message(self.ts_dict[name]) figure = super().show_scatterplot(array, name, *args, **kwargs) buf = get_image_as_buffered_file(figure) try: ts = self.send_message(message=caption, file=buf) self.ts_dict[name] = ts except Exception as e: print("Could not send plot to slack")
[docs] def show_piechart(self, array, name="piechart", delete_last=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends a piechart to a chat using an existing slack bot. Args: array: Array of positive integers. Each integer will be presented as a part of the pie (with the total as the sum of all integers) name: The name of the figure delete_last: If a message with the same name was sent, delete it beforehand """ caption = "" if self.exp_name is not None: caption += self.exp_name + " " if name is not None: caption += name + " " if delete_last and name in self.ts_dict: self.delete_message(self.ts_dict[name]) figure = super().show_piechart(array, name, *args, **kwargs) buf = get_image_as_buffered_file(figure) try: ts = self.send_message(message=caption, file=buf) self.ts_dict[name] = ts except Exception as e: print("Could not send plot to slack")
[docs] def print(self, text, *args, **kwargs): """Just calls :meth:`.show_text`""" self.show_text(text, *args, **kwargs)