Source code for trixi.logger.visdom.numpyvisdomlogger

from __future__ import division, print_function

import atexit
from collections import defaultdict
import inspect

import os

if == "nt":
    IS_WINDOWS = True
    from queue import Queue
    from threading import Thread as Process
    IS_WINDOWS = False
    from pathos.helpers import mp
    Queue = mp.Queue
    Process = mp.Process
import sys
import traceback

import numpy as np

from trixi.logger.abstractlogger import AbstractLogger, convert_params
from trixi.util import ExtraVisdom

[docs]def add_to_queue(func): def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): tpl = (func, args, kwargs) self._queue.put_nowait(tpl) return wrapper
[docs]class NumpyVisdomLogger(AbstractLogger): """ Visual logger, inherits the AbstractLogger and plots/ logs numpy arrays/ values on a Visdom server. """ def __init__(self, exp_name="main", server="http://localhost", port=8080, auto_close=True, auto_start=False, auto_start_ports=(8080, 8000), **kwargs): """ Creates a new NumpyVisdomLogger object. Args: name: The name of the visdom environment server: The address of the visdom server port: The port of the visdom server auto_close: Close all objects and kill process at the end of the python script auto_start: Flag, if it should try to start a visdom server on the given ports auto_start_ports: Ordered list of ports, to try to start a visdom server on (only on the first available port) """ super(NumpyVisdomLogger, self).__init__(**kwargs) if auto_start: auto_port = start_visdom(auto_start_ports) if auto_port != -1: port = auto_port server = "http://localhost" = exp_name self.server = server self.port = port self.vis = ExtraVisdom(, server=self.server, port=self.port) self._value_counter = defaultdict(dict) self._3d_histograms = dict() self._queue = Queue() self._process = Process(target=self.__show, args=(self._queue,)) if auto_close: # atexit.register(self.close_all) if not IS_WINDOWS: atexit.register(self.exit) atexit.register(self.save_vis) self._process.start() def __show(self, queue): """ Loop for the internal process to process all visualization tasks Args: queue: queue with all visualization tasks """ while True: func, args, kwargs = queue.get() try: func(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: error = sys.exc_info()[0] msg = traceback.format_exc() print("Error {}: {}".format(error, msg))
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def show_image(self, image, name=None, title=None, caption=None, env_appendix="", opts=None, **kwargs): """ Displays an image in a window/pane at the visdom server Args: image: The image array to be displayed name: The name of the image window title: The title of the image window caption: The of the image, displayed in the window env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ if opts is None: opts = {} opts = opts.copy() opts.update(dict( title=title, caption=caption )) win = self.vis.image( img=image, win=name, + env_appendix, opts=opts ) return win
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def show_images(self, images, name=None, title=None, caption=None, env_appendix="", opts=None, **kwargs): """ Displays multiple images in a window/pane at a visdom server Args: images: The image array to be displayed name: The name of the window title: The title of the image window caption: The of the image, displayed in the window env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ if opts is None: opts = {} else: if 'nrow' in opts.keys(): nrow = opts['nrow'] else: nrow = 8 # as defined in function opts = opts.copy() opts.update(dict( title=title, caption=caption )) win = self.vis.images( tensor=images, win=name, + env_appendix, opts=opts, # nrow=nrow ) return win
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def show_value(self, value, name=None, counter=None, tag=None, show_legend=True, env_appendix="", opts=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a line plot that is automatically appended with new values and plots it to a visdom server. Args: value: Value to be plotted / appended to the graph (y-axis value) name: The name of the window counter: counter, which tells the number of the sample (with the same name) (x-axis value) tag: Tag, grouping similar values. Values with the same tag will be plotted in the same plot show_legend (bool): Flag, if it should display a legend env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ if opts is None: opts = {} value_dim = 1 if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): value_dim = len(value) value = np.asarray([value]) else: value = np.asarray([value]) if tag is None: tag = "" if name is not None: tag = name if "showlegend" not in opts and show_legend: opts["showlegend"] = True up_str = None if tag is not None and tag in self._value_counter: up_str = "append" if tag is not None and tag in self._value_counter and name in self._value_counter[tag]: if counter is None: self._value_counter[tag][name] += 1 else: self._value_counter[tag][name] += counter - self._value_counter[tag][name] else: if counter is None: counter = 0 if value_dim == 1: self._value_counter[tag][name] = np.array([counter]) else: self._value_counter[tag][name] = np.array([[counter] * value_dim]) opts = opts.copy() opts.update(dict( title=tag, )) display_name = tag if value_dim != 1: display_name = None win = self.vis.line( Y=value, X=self._value_counter[tag][name], win=tag, name=name, update=up_str, + env_appendix, opts=opts ) return win
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def show_text(self, text, name=None, env_appendix="", opts=None, **kwargs): """ Displays a text in a visdom window Args: text: The text to be displayed name: The name of the window env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ text = text.replace("\n", "<br>") if opts is None: opts = {} win = self.vis.text( text=text, win=name, + env_appendix, opts=opts ) return win
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def show_progress(self, num, total=None, name=None, env_appendix="", opts=None, **kwargs): """ Shows the progress as a pie chart. Args: num: Current progress. Either a relative value (0 <= num <= 1) or a absolute value if total is given ( but has to be smaller than total) total: This if the total number of iterations. name: The name of the window env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ if opts is None: opts = {} if total is None: if 0 <= num <= 1: total = 1000. num = 1000. * num else: raise AttributeError("Either num has to be a ratio between 0 and 1 or give a valid total number") else: if num > total: raise AttributeError("Num has to be smaller than total") if name is None: name = "progress" x = np.asarray([num, total - num]) opts = opts.copy() opts.update(dict( legend=['Done', 'To-Do'], title="Progress") ) win = self.vis.pie( X=x, win=name, + env_appendix, opts=opts ) return win
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def show_histogram(self, array, name=None, bins=30, env_appendix="", opts=None, **kwargs): """ Displays the histogramm of an array. Args: array: The array the histogram is calculated of name: The name of the window bins: Number of bins (== bars) in the histogram env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ if opts is None: opts = {} opts = opts.copy() opts.update(dict( title=name, numbins=bins )) win = self.vis.histogram( X=array, win=name, + env_appendix, opts=opts ) return win
@convert_params @add_to_queue def __show_histogram_3d(self, array, name, bins=50, env_appendix="", opts=None, **kwargs): """ Displays a history of histograms as consequtive lines in a 3d space (similar to tensorflow) Args: array: New sample of the array that should be plotted (i.e. results in one line of the 3d histogramm) name: The name of the window bins: Number of bins in the histogram env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ if opts is None: opts = {} if name not in self._3d_histograms: self._3d_histograms[name] = [] self._3d_histograms[name].append(array) if len(self._3d_histograms[name]) > 50: n_histo = len(self._3d_histograms[name]) - 20 every_n = n_histo // 30 + 1 x = self._3d_histograms[name][:-20][0::every_n] + self._3d_histograms[name][-20:] else: x = self._3d_histograms[name] opts = opts.copy() opts.update(dict( title=name, numbins=bins )) win = self.vis.histogram_3d( X=x, win=name, + env_appendix, opts=opts ) return win
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def show_barplot(self, array, legend=None, rownames=None, name=None, env_appendix="", opts=None, **kwargs): """ Displays a bar plot from an array Args: array: array of shape NxM where N is the nomber of rows and M is the number of elements in the row. legend: list of legend names. Has to have M elements. rownames: list of row names. Has to have N elements. name: The name of the window env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ if opts is None: opts = {} opts = opts.copy() opts.update(dict( stacked=False, legend=legend, rownames=rownames, title=name )) win = X=array, win=name, + env_appendix, opts=opts ) return win
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def show_lineplot(self, y_vals, x_vals=None, name=None, env_appendix="", show_legend=True, opts=None, **kwargs): """ Displays (multiple) lines plot, given values Y (and optional the corresponding X values) Args: y_vals: Array of shape MxN , where M is the number of points and N is the number of different line x_vals: Has to have the same shape as Y: MxN. For each point in Y it gives the corresponding X value (if not set the points are assumed to be equally distributed in the interval [0, 1] ) name: The name of the window env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ if opts is None: opts = {} opts = opts.copy() opts.update(dict( title=name, )) if "showlegend" not in opts and show_legend: opts["showlegend"] = True win = self.vis.line( X=x_vals, Y=y_vals, win=name, + env_appendix, opts=opts ) return win
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def show_boxplot(self, x_vals, name=None, env_appendix="", opts=None, **kwargs): """ Displays a box plot, given values X Args: x_vals: Array of shape MxN , where M is the number of points and N are the number of groups name: The name of the window env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ if opts is None: opts = {} opts = opts.copy() opts.update(dict( title=name, )) win = self.vis.boxplot( X=x_vals, win=name, + env_appendix, opts=opts ) return win
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def show_surfaceplot(self, x_vals, name=None, env_appendix="", opts=None, **kwargs): """ Displays a surface plot given values X Args: x_vals: Array of shape MxN name: The name of the window env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ if opts is None: opts = {} opts.update(dict( title=name, colormap='Viridis', xlabel='X', ylabel='Y' )) opts = opts.copy() win =, win=name, + env_appendix, opts=opts, ) return win
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def show_contourplot(self, x_vals, name=None, env_appendix="", opts=None, **kwargs): """ Displays a contour plot Args: x_vals: Array of shape MxN name: The name of the window env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ if opts is None: opts = {} opts.update(dict( title=name, colormap='Viridis', xlabel='feature', ylabel='batch' )) opts = opts.copy() win = self.vis.contour(X=x_vals, win=name, + env_appendix, opts=opts, ) return win
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def show_scatterplot(self, array, labels=None, name=None, env_appendix="", opts=None, **kwargs): """ Displays a scatter plots, with the points given in array Args: array: A 2d array with size N x dim, where each element i \in N at X[i] results in a a 2d (if dim = 2)/ 3d (if dim = 3) point. labels: For each point a int label (starting from 1) can be given. Has to be an array of size N. name: The name of the window env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ if opts is None: opts = {} opts.update(dict( title=name, )) win = self.vis.scatter( X=array, Y=labels, win=name, + env_appendix, opts=opts ) return win
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def show_piechart(self, array, name=None, env_appendix="", opts=None, **kwargs): """ Displays a pie chart. Args: array: Array of positive integers. Each integer will be presented as a part of the pie (with the total as the sum of all integers) name: The name of the window env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ if opts is None: opts = {} opts.update(dict( title=name )) win = self.vis.pie( X=array, win=name, + env_appendix, opts=opts ) return win
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def show_svg(self, svg, name=None, env_appendix="", opts=None, **kwargs): """ Displays a svg file. Args: svg: Filename of the svg file which should be displayed name: The name of the window env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ if opts is None: opts = {} with open(svg, 'r') as fileobj: svgstr = opts.update(dict( title=name )) win = self.vis.svg( svgstr=svgstr, win=name, + env_appendix, opts=opts ) return win
[docs] def show_values(self, val_dict): """A util function for multiple values. Simple plots all values in a dict, there the window name is the key in the dict and the plotted value is the value of a dict (Simply calls the show_value function). Args: val_dict: Dict with key, values pairs which will be plotted """ for name, value in val_dict: self.show_value(value, name)
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def add_to_graph(self, y_vals, x_vals=None, name=None, legend_name=None, append=True, env_appendix="", opts=None, **kwargs): """ Displays (multiple) lines plot, given values Y (and optional the corresponding X values) Args: y_vals: Array of shape MxN , where M is the number of points and N is the number of different line x_vals: Has to have the same shape as Y: MxN. For each point in Y it gives the corresponding X value (if not set the points are assumed to be equally distributed in the interval [0, 1] ) name: The name of the window env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ if opts is None: opts = {} opts.update(dict( title=name, )) win = self.vis.updateTrace( X=x_vals, Y=y_vals, win=name, name=legend_name, append=append, + env_appendix, opts=opts ) return win
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def show_matplot_plt(self, plt, name=None, title=None, caption=None, env_appendix="", opts=None, **kwargs): """ Displays an matplotlib figure in a window/pane at the visdom server Args: plt: The matplotlib figure/plot to be displayed name: The name of the image window title: The title of the image window caption: The of the image, displayed in the window env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix opts: opts dict for the ploty/ visdom plot, i.e. can set window size, en/disable ticks,... """ if opts is None: opts = {} opts = opts.copy() opts.update(dict( title=title, caption=caption )) win = self.vis.matplot( plot=plt, win=name, + env_appendix, opts=opts ) return win
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def show_plotly_plt(self, figure, name=None, env_appendix="", **kwargs): """ Displays an plotly figure in a window/pane at the visdom server Args: figure: The plotly figure/plot to be displayed name: The name of the image window title: The title of the image window caption: The of the image, displayed in the window env_appendix: appendix to the environment name, if used the new env is env+env_appendix """ win = self.vis.plotlyplot( figure=figure, win=name, + env_appendix, ) return win
[docs] @convert_params @add_to_queue def send_data(self, data, name=None, layout=None, endpoint='events', append=False, **kwargs): """ Sends data to a visdom server. Args: data: The data to be send (has to be in the plotly / visdom format, see the offical visdom github page) name: The name of the window layout: Layout of the data endpoint: Endpoint to recieve the data (or at least to which visdom endpoint to send it to) append: Flag, if data should be appended """ if layout is None: layout = {} if not isinstance(data, (list, type)): data = [data] win = self.vis._send({'data': data, 'layout': layout, 'win': name, 'append': append}, endpoint=endpoint) return win
[docs] def close_all(self): """Closes all visdom windows.""" self.vis.close()
[docs] def save_vis(self):[])
[docs] def exit(self): """Kills the internal process.""" if self._process is not None: self._process.terminate()
[docs]def start_visdom(port_list=(8080, 8000)): """ Starts a visdom server on a given port Args: port_list: Priority list of port. Will start a visdom server on the first available port. """ import time from multiprocessing import Process import visdom.server from trixi.util import PyLock lock_id = "visdom_lock" def is_port_available(port, verbose=False): import socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.bind(("", port)) except socket.error as e: if e.errno == 98: if verbose: print("Port {} is already in use".format(port)) else: if verbose: print(e) s.close() return False s.close() return True def _start_visdom(port): p = Process(target=visdom.server.start_server, kwargs={"port": port, "base_url": ''}) p.start() atexit.register(p.terminate) time.sleep(20) return True lock = PyLock(lock_id, timeout=10) i = 0 while i < len(port_list): port = port_list[i] try: lock.__enter__() if is_port_available(port): if _start_visdom(port): lock.__exit__(0, 0, 0) print("Started Visdom on Port:", port) return port else: i += 1 except Exception: pass return -1