Source code for trixi.util.config

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import inspect
import json
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import wraps

from trixi.util.util import ModuleMultiTypeDecoder, ModuleMultiTypeEncoder

[docs]class Config(dict): """ Config is the main object used to store configurations. As a rule of thumb, anything you might want to change in your experiment should go into the Config. It's basically a :class:`dict`, but vastly more powerful. Key features are - Access keys as attributes Config["a"]["b"]["c"] is the same as Config.a.b.c. Can also be used for setting if the second to last key exists. Only works for keys that conform with Python syntax (Config.myattr-1 is not allowed). - Advanced de-/serialization Using specialized JSON encoders and decoders, almost anything can be serialized and deserialized. This includes types, functions (except lambdas) and modules. For example, you could have something like:: c = Config(model=MyModel) c.dump("somewhere") and end up with a JSON file that looks like this:: { "model": "__type__(your.model.module.MyModel)" } and vice versa. We use double underscores and parentheses for serialization, so it's probably a good idea to not use this pattern for other stuff! - Automatic CLI exposure If desired, the Config will create an ArgumentParser that contains all keys in the Config as arguments in the form "- - key", so you can run your experiment from the command line and manually overwrite certain values. Deeper levels are also accessible via dot notation "- - key_with_dict_value.inner_key". - Comparison Compare any number of Configs and get a new Config containing only the values that differ among input Configs. Args: file_ (str): Load Config from this file. config (Config): Update with values from this Config (can be combined with :attr:`file_`). Will by default only make shallow copies, see :attr:`deep`. update_from_argv (bool): Update values from argv. Will automatically expose keys to the CLI as '- - key'. deep (bool): Make deep copies if :attr:`config` is given. """ def __init__(self, file_=None, config=None, update_from_argv=False, deep=False, **kwargs): super(Config, self).__init__() # the following allows us to access keys as attributes if syntax permits # config["a"] = 1 -> config.a -> 1 # config["a-b"] = 2 -> config.a-b (not possible) # this is purely for convenience self.__dict__ = self if file_ is not None: self.load(file_) if config is not None: if deep: # convert config to Config (in case it's just a dict) # and get deepcopy config = Config(config=config, update_from_argv=False, deep=False) config = config.deepcopy() self.update(config, deep=False) if len(kwargs) >= 1: if deep: kwargs = Config(config=kwargs, update_from_argv=False, deep=False) kwargs = kwargs.deepcopy() self.update(kwargs, deep=False) if update_from_argv: update_from_sys_argv(self)
[docs] def update(self, dict_like, deep=False, ignore=None, allow_dict_overwrite=True): """Update entries in the Config. Args: dict_like (dict or derivative thereof): Update source. deep (bool): Make deep copies of all references in the source. ignore (iterable): Iterable of keys to ignore in update. allow_dict_overwrite (bool): Allow overwriting with dict. Regular dicts only update on the highest level while we recurse and merge Configs. This flag decides whether it is possible to overwrite a 'regular' value with a dict/Config at lower levels. See examples for an illustration of the difference Examples: The following illustrates the update behaviour if :obj:allow_dict_overwrite is active. If it isn't, an AttributeError would be raised, originating from trying to update "string":: config1 = Config(config={ "lvl0": { "lvl1": "string", "something": "else" } }) config2 = Config(config={ "lvl0": { "lvl1": { "lvl2": "string" } } }) config1.update(config2, allow_dict_overwrite=True) >>>config1 { "lvl0": { "lvl1": { "lvl2": "string" }, "something": "else" } } """ if ignore is None: ignore = () if deep: update_config = Config(config=dict_like, deep=True) self.update(update_config, deep=False, ignore=ignore, allow_dict_overwrite=allow_dict_overwrite) else: for key, value in dict_like.items(): if key in ignore: continue if key in self and isinstance(value, dict): try: new_ignore = [] for ignore_key in ignore: ignore_key = ignore_key.split(".") if ignore_key[0] == key: new_ignore.append(".".join(ignore_key[1:])) self[key].update(value, deep=False, ignore=new_ignore, allow_dict_overwrite=allow_dict_overwrite) except AttributeError as ae: if allow_dict_overwrite: self[key] = value else: raise ae else: self[key] = value
[docs] def deepupdate(self, dict_like, ignore=None, allow_dict_overwrite=True): """Identical to :meth:`update` with `deep=True`. Args: dict_like (dict or derivative thereof): Update source. ignore (iterable): Iterable of keys to ignore in update. allow_dict_overwrite (bool): Allow overwriting with dict. Regular dicts only update on the highest level while we recurse and merge Configs. This flag decides whether it is possible to overwrite a 'regular' value with a dict/Config at lower levels. See examples for an illustration of the difference """ self.update(dict_like, deep=True, ignore=ignore, allow_dict_overwrite=allow_dict_overwrite)
def __setattr__(self, key, value): """Modified to automatically convert `dict` to Config.""" if type(value) == dict: new_config = Config() new_config.update(value, deep=False) super(Config, self).__setattr__(key, new_config) else: super(Config, self).__setattr__(key, value) def __getitem__(self, key): """Allows convenience access to deeper levels using dots to separate levels, for example `config["a.b.c"]`. """ if key == "": if len(self.keys()) == 1: key = list(self.keys())[0] else: raise KeyError("Empty string only works for single element Configs.") if type(key) == str and "." in key: superkey = key.split(".")[0] subkeys = ".".join(key.split(".")[1:]) if superkey not in self: # this part enables ints in the access chain, e.g. a.1.b try: intkey = int(superkey) if intkey in self: superkey = intkey except ValueError: # if we can't convert to int, just continue so a KeyError will be raised pass if type(self[superkey]) in (list, tuple): try: subkeys = int(subkeys) except ValueError: pass return self[superkey][subkeys] else: return super(Config, self).__getitem__(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Allows convenience access to deeper levels using dots to separate levels, for example `config["a.b.c"]`. """ if key == "": if len(self.keys()) == 1: key = list(self.keys())[0] else: raise KeyError("Empty string only works for single element Configs.") if type(key) == str and "." in key: superkey = key.split(".")[0] subkeys = ".".join(key.split(".")[1:]) if superkey != "" and superkey not in self: self[superkey] = Config() if type(self[superkey]) == list: try: subkeys = int(subkeys) except ValueError: pass self[superkey][subkeys] = value elif type(value) == dict: super(Config, self).__setitem__(key, Config(config=value)) else: super(Config, self).__setitem__(key, value) def __delitem__(self, key): """Allows convenience access to deeper levels using dots to separate levels, for example `config["a.b.c"]`. """ if type(key) == str and "." in key and key not in self: superkey = key.split(".")[0] subkeys = ".".join(key.split(".")[1:]) if superkey not in self: raise KeyError(superkey + " not found.") else: self[superkey].__delitem__(subkeys) else: super().__delitem__(key)
[docs] def set_with_decode(self, key, value, stringify_value=False): """Set single value, using :class:`.ModuleMultiTypeDecoder` to interpret key and value strings by creating a temporary JSON string. Args: key (str): Config key. value (str): New value key will map to. stringify_value (bool): If `True`, will insert the value into the temporary JSON as a real string. See examples! Examples: Example for when you need to set `stringify_value=True`:: config.set_with_decode("key", "__type__(trixi.util.config.Config)", stringify_value=True) Example for when you need to set `stringify_value=False`:: config.set_with_decode("key", "[1, 2, 3]") """ if type(key) != str: # We could encode the key if it's not a string, but for now raise raise TypeError("set_with_decode requires string as key.") if type(value) != str: raise TypeError("set_with_decode requires string as value.") dict_str = "" depth = 0 key_split = key.split(".") for k in key_split: dict_str += "{" dict_str += '"{}":'.format(k) depth += 1 if stringify_value: dict_str += '"{}"'.format(value) else: dict_str += "{}".format(value) for _ in range(depth): dict_str += "}" self.loads(dict_str)
[docs] def set_from_string(self, str_, stringify_value=False): """Set a value from a single string, separated with "=". Uses :meth:´set_with_decode´. Args: str_ (str): String that looks like "key=value". """ key, value = str_.split("=") self.set_with_decode(key, value, stringify_value)
[docs] def update_missing(self, dict_like, deep=False, ignore=None): """Recursively insert values that do not yet exist. Args: dict_like (dict or derivative thereof): Update source. deep (bool): Make deep copies of all references in the source. ignore (iterable): Iterable of keys to ignore in update. """ for key, value in dict_like.items(): if key not in self: if type(value) == Config: if deep: self[key] = value.deepcopy() else: self[key] = value else: if deep: self[key] = deepcopy(value) else: self[key] = value else: if isinstance(value, dict) and isinstance(self[key], dict): self[key].update_missing(Config(config=value, deep=deep))
[docs] def dump(self, file_, indent=4, separators=(",", ": "), **kwargs): """Write config to file using :meth:`json.dump`. Args: file_ (str or File): Write to this location. indent (int): Formatting option. separators (iterable): Formatting option. **kwargs: Will be passed to :meth:`json.dump`. """ if hasattr(file_, "write"): json.dump(self, file_, cls=ModuleMultiTypeEncoder, indent=indent, separators=separators, **kwargs) else: with open(file_, "w") as file_object: json.dump(self, file_object, cls=ModuleMultiTypeEncoder, indent=indent, separators=separators, **kwargs)
[docs] def dumps(self, indent=4, separators=(",", ": "), **kwargs): """Get string representation using :meth:`json.dumps`. Args: indent (int): Formatting option. separators (iterable): Formatting option. **kwargs: Will be passed to :meth:`json.dumps`. """ return json.dumps(self, cls=ModuleMultiTypeEncoder, indent=indent, separators=separators, **kwargs)
[docs] def load(self, file_, raise_=True, decoder_cls_=ModuleMultiTypeDecoder, **kwargs): """Load config from file using :meth:`json.load`. Args: file_ (str or File): Read from this location. raise (bool): Raise errors. decoder_cls_ (type): Class that is used to decode JSON string. **kwargs: Will be passed to :meth:`json.load`. """ try: if hasattr(file_, "read"): new_dict = json.load(file_, cls=decoder_cls_, **kwargs) else: with open(file_, "r") as file_object: new_dict = json.load(file_object, cls=decoder_cls_, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if raise_: raise e self.update(new_dict)
[docs] def loads(self, json_str, decoder_cls_=ModuleMultiTypeDecoder, **kwargs): """Load config from JSON string using :meth:`json.loads`. Args: json_str (str): Interpret this string. decoder_cls_ (type): Class that is used to decode JSON string. **kwargs: Will be passed to :meth:`json.loads`. """ if not json_str.startswith("{"): json_str = "{" + json_str if not json_str.endswith("}"): json_str = json_str + "}" new_dict = json.loads(json_str, cls=decoder_cls_, **kwargs) self.update(new_dict)
[docs] def hasattr_not_none(self, key): try: result = self[key] return result is not None except KeyError as ke: return False
[docs] def contains(self, dict_like): """Check whether all items in a dictionary-like object match the ones in this Config. Args: dict_like (dict or derivative thereof): Returns True if this is contained in this Config. Returns: bool: True if dict_like is contained in self, otherwise False. """ dict_like_config = Config(config=dict_like) for key, val in dict_like_config.items(): if key not in self: return False else: if isinstance(val, dict): if not self[key].contains(val): return False else: if not self[key] == val: return False return True
[docs] def deepcopy(self): """Get a deep copy of this Config. Returns: Config: A deep copy of self. """ def _deepcopy(source, target): for key, val in source.items(): if not isinstance(val, dict): try: target[key] = deepcopy(val) except TypeError as e: target[key] = val else: target[key] = Config() _deepcopy(source[key], target[key]) new_config = Config() _deepcopy(self, new_config) return new_config
[docs] @staticmethod def init_objects(config): """Returns a new Config with types converted to instances. Any value that is a Config and contains a type key will be converted to an instance of that type:: { "stuff": "also_stuff", "convert_me": { type: { "param": 1, "other_param": 2 }, "something_else": "hopefully_useless" } } becomes:: { "stuff": "also_stuff", "convert_me": type(param=1, other_param=2) } Note that additional entries can be lost as shown above. Args: config (Config): New Config will be built from this one Returns: Config: A new config with instances made from type entries. """ def init_sub_objects(objs): if isinstance(objs, dict): ret_dict = Config() for key, val in objs.items(): if isinstance(key, type): init_param = init_sub_objects(val) if isinstance(init_param, dict): init_obj = key(**init_param) elif isinstance(init_param, (list, tuple, set)): init_obj = key(*init_param) else: init_obj = key() return init_obj elif isinstance(val, (dict, list, tuple, set)): ret_dict[key] = init_sub_objects(val) else: ret_dict[key] = val return ret_dict elif isinstance(objs, (list, tuple, set)): orig_type = type(objs) ret_list = [] for el in objs: ret_list.append(init_sub_objects(el)) return orig_type(ret_list) else: return objs return init_sub_objects(config)
def __str__(self): return self.dumps(sort_keys=True)
[docs] def difference_config(self, *other_configs): """Get the difference of this and any number of other configs. See :meth:`difference_config_static` for more information. Args: *other_configs (Config): Compare these configs and self. Returns: Config: Difference of self and the other configs. """ return self.difference_config_static(self, *other_configs)
[docs] @staticmethod def difference_config_static(*configs, only_set=False, encode=True): """Make a Config of all elements that differ between N configs. The resulting Config looks like this:: { key: (config1[key], config2[key], ...) } If the key is missing, None will be inserted. The inputs will not be modified. Args: configs (Config): Any number of Configs only_set (bool): If only the set of different values hould be returned or for each config the corresponding one encode (bool): If True, values will be encoded the same way as they are when exported to disk (e.g."__type__(MyClass)") Returns: Config: Possibly empty Config """ difference = dict() mmte = ModuleMultiTypeEncoder() all_keys = set() for config in configs: all_keys.update(set(config.keys())) for key in all_keys: current_values = [] all_equal = True all_configs = True for config in configs: if key not in config: all_equal = False all_configs = False current_values.append(None) else: if encode: current_values.append(mmte._encode(config[key])) else: current_values.append(config[key]) if len(current_values) >= 2: if current_values[-1] != current_values[-2]: all_equal = False if type(current_values[-1]) != Config: all_configs = False if not all_equal: if not all_configs: if not only_set: difference[key] = tuple(current_values) else: difference[key] = tuple(set(current_values)) else: difference[key] = Config.difference_config_static(*current_values, only_set=only_set) return Config(config=difference)
[docs] def flat(self, keep_lists=True, max_split_size=10, flatten_int=False): """Returns a flattened version of the Config as dict. Nested Configs and lists will be replaced by concatenated keys like so:: { "a": 1, "b": [2, 3], "c": { "x": 4, "y": { "z": 5 } }, "d": (6, 7) } Becomes:: { "a": 1, "b": [2, 3], # if keep_lists is True "b.0": 2, "b.1": 3, "c.x": 4, "c.y.z": 5, "d": (6, 7) } We return a dict because dots are disallowed within Config keys. Args: keep_lists: Keeps list along with unpacked values max_split_size: List longer than this will not be unpacked flatten_int: Integer keys will be treated as strings Returns: dict: A flattened version of self """ def flat_(obj): def items(): for key, val in obj.items(): if isinstance(val, dict) and (isinstance(key, str) or (isinstance(key, int) and flatten_int)): intermediate_dict = {} for subkey, subval in flat_(val).items(): if isinstance(subkey, str): yield str(key) + "." + subkey, subval elif isinstance(subkey, int) and flatten_int: yield str(key) + "." + str(subkey), subval else: intermediate_dict[subkey] = subval if len(intermediate_dict) > 0: yield str(key), intermediate_dict elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): keep_this = ( keep_lists or not isinstance(key, (str, int)) or (isinstance(key, int) and not flatten_int) ) if max_split_size not in (None, False) and len(val) > max_split_size: keep_this = True if keep_this: yield key, val else: for i, subval in enumerate(val): yield str(key) + "." + str(i), subval else: yield key, val return dict(items()) return flat_(self)
[docs] def to_cmd_args_str(self): """Create a string representing what one would need to pass to the command line. Does not yet use JSON encoding! Returns: str: Command line string """ c_flat = self.flat() str_list = [] for key, val in c_flat.items(): if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): vals = [str(v) for v in val] val_str = " ".join(vals) else: val_str = str(val) str_list.append("--{} {}".format(key, val_str)) return " ".join(str_list)
[docs]def update_from_sys_argv(config, warn=False): """Updates Config with the arguments passed as args when running the program. Keys will be converted to command line options, then matching options in `sys.argv` will be used to update the Config. Args: config (Config): Update this Config. warn (bool): Raise warnings if there are unknown options. Turn this on if you don't use any :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` after to check for possible errors. """ import sys import argparse import warnings def str2bool(v): if v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "y", "1"): return True elif v.lower() in ("no", "false", "f", "n", "0"): return False else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Boolean value expected.") if len(sys.argv) > 1: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(allow_abbrev=False) encoder = ModuleMultiTypeEncoder() decoder = ModuleMultiTypeDecoder() config_flat = config.flat() for key, val in config_flat.items(): name = "--{}".format(key) if val is None: parser.add_argument(name) else: if type(val) == bool: parser.add_argument(name, type=str2bool, default=val) elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): if len(val) > 0 and type(val[0]) != type: parser.add_argument(name, nargs="+", type=type(val[0]), default=val) else: parser.add_argument(name, nargs="+", default=val) else: if type(val) == type: val = encoder._encode(val) parser.add_argument(name, type=type(val), default=val) # parse args param, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() param = vars(param) if len(unknown) > 0 and warn: warnings.warn("Called with unknown arguments: {}".format(unknown), RuntimeWarning) # calc diff between configs diff_keys = list(Config.difference_config_static(param, config_flat).flat().keys()) # convert type args ignore_ = [] for key, val in param.items(): if val in ("none", "None"): param[key] = None if type(config_flat[key]) == type: if isinstance(val, str): val = val.replace("'", "") val = val.replace('"', "") param[key] = decoder._decode(val) try: key_split = key.split(".") list_object, _ = ".".join(key_split[:-1]), int(key_split[-1]) if "--" + list_object in sys.argv: ignore_.append(key) except ValueError as ve: pass for i in ignore_: del param[i] ### Delete not changed entries param_keys = list(param.keys()) for i in param_keys: if i not in diff_keys and i in param: del param[i] # update dict config.update(param)
[docs]def monkey_patch_fn_args_as_config(f): """Decorator: Monkey patches, aka addes a variable 'fn_args_as_config' to globals, so that it can be accessed by the decorated function. Adds all function parameters to a dict 'fn_args_as_config', which can be accessed by the method. Be careful using it! """ sig = inspect.signature(f) @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): bound_arguments = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs) bound_arguments.apply_defaults() c = Config(config=bound_arguments.arguments) if "self" in c: c["self"] = c["self"].__class__ g = f.__globals__ g["fn_args_as_config"] = c try: res = f(*args, **kwargs) finally: del g["fn_args_as_config"] return res return wrapper